Joanna and Toben's Mini Engagement Session in Windsor, Vermont

Joanna and Toben reached out a few months ago to see if we could all meet up and collaborate on a mini session so they could get a sense of what working with us was like before their wedding next month. Because they're an adventurous couple (they both quit their jobs and spent four months in New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii last year!) and let us choose the location, we picked a favorite spot of ours, the Path of Life Sculpture garden in Windsor, Vermont. We talked about their wedding and their recent life changes (they just moved to the Upper Valley, which we're pretty excited about) over beers, then walked over to the sculpture garden, where we navigated the giant hedge maze and ran up and down hills in the fields surrounding the nature-inspired sculptures. We can't wait for the live music and handmade truffles at their wedding in Brandon in just a few weeks!